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Киз Дэниел: Flowers for Algernon / Цветы для Элджернона. Daniel Keyes (AB)

Производитель: Серия AB
Модель: 6282524
131 сомони
Предзаказ 20 дней
Charlie Gordon is about to embark upon an unprecedented journey. Born with an unusually low IQ, he has been chosen as the perfect subject for an experimental surgery that researchers hope will increase his intelligence — a procedure that has already been highly successful when tested on a lab mouse ...
Harvest Books
Язык издания
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Charlie Gordon is about to embark upon an unprecedented journey. Born with an unusually low IQ, he has been chosen as the perfect subject for an experimental surgery that researchers hope will increase his intelligence — a procedure that has already been highly successful when tested on a lab mouse named Algernon.
As the treatment takes effect, Charlie's intelligence expands until it surpasses that of the doctors who engineered his metamorphosis. The experiment appears to be a scientific breakthrough of paramount importance, until Algernon suddenly deteriorates. Will the same happen to Charlie?

Издательство Harvest Books
Вес 287
Язык издания Английский
Переплет Мягкая обложка
Кол-во страниц 324
Год издания 2004
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Киз Дэниел